Thursday, November 17, 2016

A Pen Holder

Today I have a pen holder.
I know...simplicity at it's best right?

I am working on a gift that I thought would be finished by now but
NOPE not happening for me lately!
So I decided to make something I need for my desk at work...
a pen cup.

I started with an old bottle (I save everything) and wrapped it with a
plastic wasn't tight enough so I added rubber bands.

I left it to dry upside down over night.
Like I wrote...BIG MISTAKE.
It stuck to the rubber bands and to the baggie so when
I tried to remove the bottle it was not releasing.
NOW here is where my lack of patience comes in..
I basically ripped it out and ripped the material!
Needless to say it is in the garbage.

So this time I started with a cup...something my hands
can get into and man handle!

I took an old pillow case and soaked a few strips in the transparent Paverpol.
laying them over the cup....

Again I left it to dry over night up side down.
I also added a piece of card board to the bottom for stability.

After it dried I cut a vee out of it and added a zipper,
lace and more of the pillow case (AFTER being soaked in transparent PP).
  I also added a strip of material along the top and on the vee. In hindsight I
should have cut less off the top and cut and then curled the material time.

I may add some flowers or whatnot bit not sure yet.
I'll see what it looks like on my desk.

I have to say I am enjoying learning how to create with this amazing product.
It is messy, sticky, and oh so much fun to play with!

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